Great walks for the whole family

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canal, woodland, play area, pub Sally Broom canal, woodland, play area, pub Sally Broom

Zebon Copse

This unique little walk packs so much into a small space. There is a copse with bluebells and wildflowers, a boardwalk over a mire, a toddlers play area, an amazing trim trail for older children and a bridge that takes you out onto the Basingstoke Canal.

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heathland, brass rubbing Sally Broom heathland, brass rubbing Sally Broom

Yateley Common

Explore heathland, that is an important habitat to a variety of wildlife, along the clearly marked nature trail. Use the downloadable information leaflets to discover what species are living within the site and collect brass rubbings of them as you walk.

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woodland, flower meadow, picnic Sally Broom woodland, flower meadow, picnic Sally Broom

Home Farm

Near Bentworth, between Alton and Basingstoke, Home Farm is a landscape of meadows and woodland with butterflies and red kites soaring overhead. Surprisingly, much of this wildlife haven was actually created by carefully managed regeneration of cultivated land over the last 30 years.

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