Benbow Pond

On this walk, children will enjoy the geese, ducks and black swans around the pond.

The Basics

Time: 35 mins

Distance: 1.9 km

Terrain: Fields and grassy paths. Flat with one steady incline.

Pushchair: No

Dogs: Yes

Refreshments: The Cowdray Farm Shop and Café are a very short drive away

Toilets: None

Parking: Free parking area beside pond (Postcode: GU28 0AZ - W3W: stormed/taxpayers/models)

This is an easy walk around a section of the Cowdray Estate near Midhurst, with some interesting historical trees as well as a pond with ducks, geese and black swans to feed.


The Route

  1. The walk starts at the far end of the car park. Take the footpath to the left along the edge of the Cowdray Arboretum. After a few minutes of walking, you will spot a gate on your right where the footpath heads into a field.

  2. Go through the gate and ahead of you will be an enclosure hiding a small pond. Head towards the right hand corner of the enclosure and then walk with the enclosure to your left. You will soon see an avenue of lime trees planted to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II’s diamond jubilee.

  3. Walk up the field through the avenue of trees. A brief diversion to your left is worthwhile to see The Queen Elizabeth Oak. The tree has a wide girth and a little protective fence around it. It is special both because of its age and because another Queen Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth I, is thought to have stood under its boughs.

  4. The avenue will bring you to a gate in the hedge. Turn immediately right after the gate and follow the footpath down the perimeter of the field. The path will turn right at a house and then almost immediately, you will find yourself back at the top end of the car park.

  • We recommend viewing the map as a Trails Map:

Did you know?

Benbow pond is a feature in the 16,500-acre Cowdray Estate owned by Viscount Cowdray. Cowdray Park is now a hotel and venue and is home to a golf course, polo club, holiday lets and the heritage ruins of the original Tudor house.


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