Slindon Estate

Children will enjoy the Littlewood Lookout and lambs and wildflowers in summer on this walk.

The Basics

Time: 2hrs 20mins

Distance: 7km

Terrain: Bridle paths and fields

Pushchair: No

Dogs: Yes, on leads around livestock

Refreshments: None, but we had a picnic near the lookout

Toilets: None

Parking: Plenty of parking at the side of the lane outside Slindon College (Postcode: BN18 0RH - W3W: kilt/rental/head)

With over 25 miles of public rights of way, there is so much to explore at this National Trust managed estate. There are different types of woodland, shady lanes, grassland, farms and interesting remnants of the estate’s grand history.


The Route

  1. Begin by walking up Butt Lane bridleway opposite the college. Continue to Downe’s Barn, where you will find a bench with a view to Nore Folly, Halenaker Windmill and a barley field where self seeded poppies grow in the summer.

  2. Continue and take the second path on the left which will soon head into woodland. Fork right near the start of the woods and cross to the other side of the trees. You will hit a large path, which you should cross and then enter the gate on the other side. This is the Northwood Forest Regeneration Area and you will see evidence of land management and tree planting as you gradually rise up the hill.

  3. At the crest of the hill, you will find The Littlewood Lookout which is a round-wood timber framed structure, specifically designed to blend into its landscape and provide a window out on to The Rise of Northwood and the wider Slindon Estate.

  4. Continue along the same path and as it begins to gradually head down hill, you will see a small pond on your left. Take the right hand grassy path opposite the pond and follow this until you see a tall, narrow gate on your right. Go through this into the enclosure and walk up the hill until you veer right and hit a wide, stony track. Turn right along the track.

  5. The track will bring you to Warren Barn with its pond. Take the path on your left which begins parallel to the front of the pond and heads into trees. This path will bring you back onto the path you started on, just north of Downe’s Barn.

  6. You can vary the route back along this section by taking the next left turn to enter the downland field to your left and walking along the wide open space until you reach the gate with the signpost that says, ‘Bridleway to Bignor Hill’. Go through that gate and re-join Butt Lane on your right to pass Downe’s Barn again and return to your car.

  • There are many different options for walks around the estate, most of which are perfect for families as you can walk for miles without needing to go on roads. Visit the estate’s page on National Trust website to see more ideas for longer and shorter circular walks.

  • We suggest viewing the map below as a ‘Trails Map’ to ensure all the paths are visible:

Route map for Slindon by Sally Broom on

Did you know?

The original entrance to the estate, The South Lodge, a grand flint gateway, is still visible from the A27.

Frederick Wootton Isaacson died in 1948 without an heir and wanting Slindon “… to be maintained as far as possible as a Sussex Estate”, he bequeathed his Estate to the National Trust.




Kingley Vale