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Pushchair Walks


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Church Norton

Pagham Harbour is a nature reserve on one of the few undeveloped stretches of the Sussex coastline. It is a wildlife haven and contains important habitats for birds and even seals! Our walk also includes a large, quiet shingle beach.

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Titchfield Canal

Beginning at Meon shore this linear walk follows the canal on its way to the historic village of Titchfield. For much of the journey, Titchfield Haven Nature Reserve is clearly in view where you will spot a variety of wetland birds and hear their calls.

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Titchfield Haven

The Meon River completes its journey at Titchfield Haven National Nature Reserve, a 369 acre site of river, fen, pools, reedbed and meadows. There are eight bird hides from which to enjoy the wide variety of wildlife, and on the east side they are connected by a series of boardwalks. Tickets need to be purchased from the visior centre.

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river, castle, play area, pub Sally Broom river, castle, play area, pub Sally Broom


You will probably want to do this walk again and again as there are so many possible add-ons including a castle, a lido, a pitch and putt, a boating lake, a hilltop-folly, a wetlands centre and a destination pub.

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Chichester Canal

Straight, flat, easy to follow and rich in wildlife; The Chichester Ship Canal ticks all the boxes when it comes to a family walk. If you have never walked here before, you will be shocked to discover the secret of this beautiful waterway that quietly passes right beneath the A27.

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